Pond Builders in Greenville nc
Pond maintenance - pond builds & rebuilds - pond cleanouts - Farm Ponds - aeration - pond products
#1 POND company in Greenville nc...
Meet the Tru Lawn LLC Koi Pond Building Team!
Certified Aquascape Pond Contractors Get the Job Done Right the First Time! Hire the Pros in Greenville NC! It costs more when you have to rebuild or repair items that aren't done correct the first time!
From Koi Ponds to Clean Outs- We Offer a Variety of Services to Fit Your Water Feature Needs! We service Greenville NC. Custom clean out and maintenance packages are available.
15+ Years of Experience Gives You the Leading Edge Over "Other" Greenville NC Contractors Who DO NOT Specialize in Aquatics and Water Feature Design or Installations.
Greenville NC #1 Pond Contractor
We are Greenville NC #1 Pond Contractor! No one beats our artistic ability to creat the most natural looking ponds and water features! Pond service and clean outs available!
Don't have the time to clean your Greenville NC pond or water feature? Spending to much time cleaning and it's still dirty? We have maintenance options available to take care of your pond and keep it clean all the time! We can maintain your feature monthly while saving you time. Maintanence service packages available in Greenville NC
Not sure why your large pond is always green no matter what you do? This happens alot in Greenville NC. We offer underwater aeration and fountain services for larger ponds that allow you to prevent algae blooms and keep oxygen circulating to keep the water clarity up to par. Contact us today to get a quote!
Is your pond or water feature dirty? Excessive algae build up? Tons of debris causing dirty water? We have all the equipment necessary to clean any pond or water feature and bring it back to life! There's alot of trees in Greenville NC and keeping leaves out is essential! Cleaning services available in Greenville NC
As CERTIFIED AQUASCAPE POND CONTRACTORS right here in Greenville NC! Our slogan is "Ponds done right - customers served right". We take pride in the artistic approach of designing your water feature, and we get the job done right the first time. Hire us to design and install your next water feature today!
Tru Lawn LLC is a full service pond and water feature company. We design, install, maintain, clean, landscape all water features regardless of type. No matter where you are in Greenville NC, we can do it! Additional items can be added such as wireless color changing LED lights, plant packages, stacked slate urns and more!
If you're limited on space, fountains and streams are a perfect option for you! This is an excellent way to make your normal yard have unique characteristics. We have ideas that will make your yard stand out from the rest! Fountain and Stream installations are available year round in Greenville NC.
Koi Pond Builders Greenville NC...
Areas We Service
A Koi Pond should be cleaned out once a year. Proper maintenance goes a long ways, and without it you may have to clean it multiple times a year. Proper cleaning of all components are usually done in the spring, but vary on location.
Koi Ponds are not high maintenance at all. The complexity of your pond will determine the amount of maintenance it will need. Maintenance items we perform are cleaning the skimmer, pump intake, biofalls (waterfall), streams and any accesories such as the Ion Gen and Auto-Doser. Our maintenance packages take care of all this for you, breathing new life into your pond or water feature.
No. Mosquitos are not attacted to Koi Ponds so long as the surface of the water is moving. Mosquitos cannot breed in moving water and therefore are not interested in going near the pond. If you happen to have any still body of water, they will be attracted to that. If your pond pump is weak or clogged, it may limit flow to the water fall leading to a stagnant surface which could attract mosquitos.
Best position for a pond or water feature is a place that has a higher elevation. You do not want to install a feature at the lowest point of the yard, as rainwater will travel to the lowest point in your yard. This will lead to flooding the pond and is absolutely critical the pond be placed at a medium to high elevation. Flat, leveled land is ideal. When we position your pond or water feature, we also take into account where the feature will be viewed from. If in the back yard a location that can be seen from inside the house, such as the kitchen, back patio window, bedroom window or similar.
2 feet in depth is perfect for Koi fish. Anything less than 2 feet is not recommended. Over 3 ft. of depth is fine, however 90% of Koi Ponds are not in temeperatures that would freeze the surface at 2 feet deep. Koi go dormant during the winter, and with aerators or jets to keep the surface moving, freezing over is not a concern. Koi fish are perfectly fine at this depth, depending on how many Koi you have.
Yes. At Tru Lawn LLC, we place river rock on the bottom of the pond for liner protection. This helps prevent Ultra Violet rays from the sun harming the liner. This maximizes the life span of your liner, and gives a place for beneficial bacteria. Not to mention the pond installations we've made all have crystal clear water. You have the added benefit of rocks looking incredibly natural all while have excellent function in the pond.
No. Koi Ponds do not need a bottom drain at all! Many people may read this on the internet or see someone talking about it, but the truth is that you do not need a bottom drain for your pond! Proper care and maintenance will lead to a healthy ecosystem to prevent needing a bottom drain. In fact we use a high powered pump to drain the pond of the water when we do a clean out. Bottom drain ponds may cause more problems then they solve, and can be a future leak area if not maintained properly. Additionally, a bottom drain means you have to cut a hole in the liner on the bottom of the pond! If this isn't done correctly the first time, you may have a leaky pond.
Yes, Koi can survive on algae alone. Koi fish are bottom feeding fish. Meaning they eat food at the bottom of where they are, and love algae! This provides the nutrients they need to live and are completely fine on algae alone.
The best way to keep it crystal clear is to not over feed your fish. Too many uneaten pellets can build up in the skimmer or pond can cause an imbalance in the bacterial system of the pond. We also install two critical items on our Koi Pond installations. The fist is called an Ion-Gen. This is small piece of copper with two prongs on it that goes in the skimmer. At the proper setting this introduces copper in the water. Copper inhibits the growth of algae resulting in clear water. Add to that a device called and Auto-Doser, which automatically doses a set amount of beneficial bacteria into the pond over time. These two additions make keeping your pond water incredibly clear all year round!
Average pond size is 8 feet by 11 feet. Recommended amount is 3 feet extra in both directions. 11 feet by 14 feet would be the recommended area for an 8 foot by 11 foot pond. Also, the space you need for a pond depends on a few factors. First is, where will the feature go? Back yards typically have more space, but ponds and water features can go in the front. Secondly, what size pond do you plan on getting? Measuring the space where you want to place your desired pond is a great idea. Thirdly, if you're limited on space, a stream or fountain can be installed without using a large footprint.
Average time to complete a pond is 3 to 4 days, depending on weather, size of the water feature. We plan out the build days in advance of materials arriving to the location. Our mission is to have your new koi pond or water feature, fountain or stream installed as soon as possible, while making sure the natural appearance isn't sacrificed.
Our maintenance includes:
Replace AutoDoser bag (if applicable)
Clean skimmer and remove organic materials
Make sure pump is free from debris and is in working order
Ensure no low edges formed around water feature
Ensure lights are in working order and secured (if applicable)
Adjust water level, apply detoxifier (as needed)
Skim surface of debris
Yes! Customization is a key offering here at Tru Lawn LLC. We have the ability to install color changing LED lights that are controlled by the Aquascape App on your smartphone! Additional customization includes fish caves inside the pond, landscaping around the feature, bridge across the water feature, plant or flower packages, outdoor lighting outside the pond, Ion-Gen and Auto doser to maintain beneficial bacteria. AND MORE!!
Not at all. Koi fish will not be disturbed by the lights in your pond. If you opt to have the Color Changing LED lights installed on your Koi Pond, rest assured the fish will be completely fine with the lights.